
“It’s ok to not know
To be ignorant
To choose
to not to be at the
Bottom of the cup
The chasm beneath
Its better if undiscovered
It works for the taste of the tea
You don’t bother
Sip it slowly
Let it melt in your mouth
You must give time
To let the flavour
While the chasm beneath grows
Beyond the contours
Of you and me
We couldn’t escape it
There lies one
And yet, here we are

The day is rather warm
The sun is overflowing
You could barely raise your face
I am glad
Keeping my face buried
In the dark alleyways of
the bed sheets
It has its own hidden corners
you could play hide and seek
Despite being
Face to face
Could I hide too?

I often wonder
What is it that
Makes us wonder
Makes us question
We are supposed to be ignorant
We are not to ring the alarm
We are to witness
The unfolding
Of the day
Of the light, and darkness
Of you
And me
While the cup
Still there
Resting upon a stained tablecloth
Ashamed of its own
Exposure, submissions
Looking at us
A response
Did we ever have one?

Praveen Parasar

Scribbling: Tragedy of wanderer:

“Absurdities of the mundane
Insecurities off the obscure
Impunity of the arrogance
Requiem of a fool

Clouds of inhibition
Devoid of devoir
Gripes of the night
A call to abjure

Trudging through the muddle
Of reverie, bygone
What lies beneath
The quagmire of unknown

Canvas of denial
Colors of grey
Signs of Weariness
Bellies the sanguine gaze…”

Praveen Parasar

कुछ बचा हुआ है…l

” कुछ बचा हुआ है
दबा हुआ है
सुलग रहा है
अंतरतम में
चीख रहा है
मन ही मन में
नहीं बचा है
कह पाने को
वो जों अंदर
दफ़न हुआ है
लाश नहीं है
जिन्दा है वो
साँसे लेता
पल पल गिनता
इंतज़ार में
क्या कल होगा
कल का क्या है
नहीं हुआ है
अभी सवेरा
रात घनी है
अंधियारे में क्यों डरता है
क्यूँ लड़ता है
खुद से
खुद की क्यूँ करता है
लड़ने को क्या कुछ और नहीं है
रात बची है
शांत शुन्य की
गहरायी में
अभी सुलगती
वो चिंगारी
नहीं बुझी है
इक अव्यक्त
बुरे स्वप्न सा
पीछा करता
पीछे पड़ता
मिन्नत करता
मांग रहरहा है
कुछ पल क्षिण का
आश्रय दे दो
सुन लो कह लो
पर न छोड़ो
यु ही बिलखता
जैसे अनाथ हो
स्वप्न तुम्हारा
अभी बचा है
ज्यों का त्यों भी
जिद्दी तो क्या
पर सहमा है
सहज नहीं है
ठिठुरा सा
कुछ अन्मयस्क सा
विचरण करता
मन ही मन में
अंतरतम में
पर जीता है
टुकड़ो टुकड़ो में
पल पल जल कर
तिल तिल मर कर
वो चलता है
वो रुकता है
समय नहीं है
भाग्य को छोरो
क्या भविष्य है
आज नहीं है
आज कहाँ है
स्वार्थ निहित है
मांग बड़ी है
मांग रही है
समय की धुरी
रुकी हुई सी
थमी हुई सी
अड़ी हुई है
अनिश्चित है
शब्दों की उस
कोलाहल में
आपाधापी, धक्का मुक्की
खाली पन्ने के
चेहरे पे
सूखे आंसू की बूंदो जैसे
ढूंढ रहा है
सागर अपना
और डूब रहा है
खुद के अंदर
अंधा कुआ है
टूटी जंजीरो में
कैद पड़ा है
हर इक हिस्सा
हर इक किस्सा
इंतज़ार में
वर्षो सदियों से
संजो रहा है
पर खाली है
मुक्ति क्या है
मुक्ति नहीं है
मुक्ति यहीं है
सजा यही है
बचा यही है
अंतरतम में…”

प्रवीण परासर

Scribbling:Tragedy of Wanderer:

“There’s darkness in my mind
I can’t see beyond the night
My ears hear nothing
But silent cries
O, what could fill the void
But some more of it
Generous as it is
Nostalgic as it remains
Embraced in the bosom of chaos
You are welcome to feel at home
While drowning
In an abyss of what-ifs
There’s little to think of
When you are high on words
Unsaid, unheard
Cluttered and scattered
All mixed up
Serving a deadly cocktail
While you struggle to keep your eyes
Wide and awake
Drink up my friend
There’s nothing to be scared of
They kill without remorse
Ruthless as they are
Cold as a blade of steel
Let your blood fill the inkpot
Let the rapture
Burst open, remind you
Of the orgasmic euphoria
Beneath the weight of leftover
Perhaps they wouldn’t betray
Like those tear drops
Who refuse to follow the trail
As if a jilted lover
Seeking revenge

Praveen Parasar


“कोई दूर है
कोई पास है
किसी को रास्ते की तलाश है
किसी को मंजिलो की आस है

किसी शाम की उदास सी
पलकों पे मानो थम गयी
वो जो रात थी, स्याह सी
वो जो दिन उजाला ना हो सका
वो अन्धकार की छाँव में
पलता हुआ
बढ़ता हुआ

वो जो व्यग्र था
उद्विग्न था
अशांत सा
अनिश्चित सा
वो हृदय
अब भी भटक रहा
कभी नींद सा
कभी ख्वाब सा
कभी लड़खड़ाते कदम मगर
कभी डबडबाते नयन अगर
उन थरथराते लबों पे फिर
आती कोई पुकार है
कुछ सुनी हुई
कुछ अनसुनी
कही अनकही में खो रही
वो जो शब्द थे वो चूक रहे
वो जो न लिखा वो बह गए
स्याही की इक इक बूँद में
ढूंढते खुद के निशान
फिर थक गए
फिर रुक गए
फिर गिर पड़े आगोश में
थमती सी सांस की ओट में,
सिसक पड़े
निष्प्राण से
ना सजा मिली
ना उम्मीद थी
वो जो कविता खोखली हुई
वो जो अर्थ बेमानी किये
ना सवाल रहे
ना जवाब हुए
बस टुकड़ो में पल पल
ढल रहे
इक वक़्त जो बीता हुआ
इक वक़्त जो ठहरा हुआ… “

प्रवीण परासर
07 /09 /2022

Tragedy of wanderer..

Tragedy of wanderer:

“Look the window pane doesn’t reflect anymore, It’s just there, a silent witness to the night going by. You can’t see the moon anymore, the trees across the hall are mere spectator, there’s neither any cloud nor the wind, the night is dead and gone, and for the good perhaps. You could simply claim it to be the dark day and no one would bother otherwise. The dusk has set in, matters little though, given its only evening that still carry the grey; if you are looking for a way to escape. Look over the walls, they don’t seem interested in listening to your gibberish, neither the doors or the windows. Tick tock of the clock is too much for the walls, they wouldn’t pay any heed to your groans and moans, you better march on my friend, see if you could still find a few drops hanging by in that glass. Drown, let yourself sink, beneath the noise of drunkards, remains the lullaby for the guilty. Confess, let yourself be judged and simply pretend to be asleep. You don’t exist, you never did, you better learn to learn that, this way or whatever. Solitude is a treasure, better kept locked and unannounced, hidden in plain view, just like the darkness through the days. Alas…!”

Praveen Parasar

Tragedy of wanderer:

Tragedy of wanderer:

“Are you looking for salvation
Or is it just the guilty conscience
Afraid of retribution
Fear being held responsible
For something you couldn’t even do
You are a coward
You always were
You held back every time
And thought of it being
You are a willful ignorant
You reek of arrogance
Your lies
Your pretenses
Your made up
Tales, suffocating enough
For anyone to
Anybody to survive
Nothing strangles
As poorly as so called
Intellectual trap
There’s little to repent
Or so you think
Well, think again
Cause, you are under scrutiny
And deserve no mercy
The night has little to offer
To someone pretending
There’s little to hide
Where darkness reigns
One that encapsulates it all
Yet everything remains
Bare naked
Little to hide
Little to show
Unlike days
Where nothing goes
And nothing remains
Of man
Offering his soul
For a penny
For a hug
For a piece of warmth
And receives
A cold shoulder
A hollow glance
A made up node
And then you know
You deserve it

Praveen Parasar

Tragedy of wanderer

Tragedy of wanderer:

“The sky doesn’t turn grey anymore
The day boasts of its light and noise
The night sulks beneath it’s void
The darkness hides in the alleyways
Of dried tears
A few screams here and there
Left along the way
Somewhere, there are words
Though leftover, still alive
Awaiting salvation
Awaiting a hand, but
Where am I?

I am guilty of poisoning the words
Declared an outcast
I plead guilty
Verdict was always the same
I seek no retrial
Once condemned
There’s no redemption
You must suffer
You must not struggle
Strength is a trap
Do not let yourself imprisoned
Submission without condition
Answers without questions
Sleepwalk, as if a master
Dazed upon the light
High upon the life
Let those blank sheets ridicule you
Let those droplets elude you
Let the empty glass fill you
Desolated, but together
Let the contours of fading shadow
Of a shallow evening
Give you shape
Give you a shade
To lie beneath
And offer no claim
Upon the broken pieces
Of the night and day
Of truth and false
Of right and wrong
The morality is trap
We allow our detention
While being imprisoned
Forever, in the
Web of consolations
Where do I belong to
The question is irrelevant

What matters is plain and simple
The monster feeds upon you
And you upon the monster
Hollowness demands
A piece of you
Again and again
And so do you
Crave being hollowed out
And again…


Praveen Parasar

Tragedy of wanderer :

Tragedy of Wanderer:

I have no voice left
There’s little left to express perhaps
Or Is it the words, that
They are not dark enough
They don’t carry the weight anymore
They are as hollow as the nights

I am hollow too
Sinking beneath my own weight
Weight of my shadows
I doubt if they are hollow as well

The voice doesn’t matter no more
The words doesn’t count
The night isn’t prized anymore
The darkness isn’t dark enough
I have nothing to express
Perhaps I never had anything to

Stolen words don’t last long
Neither the night nor the darkness
Nothing persists as the contours
Of a blank page
Staring through the hollowed out eyes
Asking nothing, and yet…

Praveen Parasar


Tragedy of wanderer:

“Silent night stands still
Darkness isn’t dark enough
No one screams anymore

Who to complaint, and what for
I was a nobody
Nobody recognises me anyway

Those words conveyed too little, too late
Claims of poetry notwithstanding
They are yearning for the meaning still…
